#6 Entrepreneurship: - Starting a business as an immigrant

Show notes

Starting your own business is a very exciting moment in your career and even more exhilarating - yet also challenging – if you’re not in your home country. What should you consider as you start your own business in Germany? Is it even possible to start your own business without being a German citizen? And with all the German bureaucracy to consider - where do you even start?

Our expert and DAAD-alumna in this episode are: Dr. Alexander Hirschfeld holds a PhD in Sociology and is head of research at the Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e. V., the German Startups Association, where he is responsible for the German Startup Monitor - one of the most comprehensive studies of the startup landscape in Germany.

Veronica Garcia Arteaga, originally from Mexico, did her master’s and PhD in Food Science at the Technical University of Munich. She built up her own business “Neggst” two years ago. Together with her partner Patrick Deufel, they produce plant-based egg alternatives and are one of the most anticipated food companies in the country.



Founders scholarship Exist for students, alumni and scientists by the Ministry of Economy and Protection of the Climate.

Entrepreneur Scholarship for people who take action. It is funded by the Hans-Weisser-Stiftung and Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw).

UBS Female Founders Reward provides a cash prize of USD 10,000 for female early stage fintech founders.


2hearts is a diverse community of people with immigration backgrounds in Europe’s tech industry.

ADAN is a network for Afro-German and Afro-interested students and academics in Germany to draw attention to the African continent and to create a nuanced image of Africa, Africans and Afro-Germans.

Points of Single Contact provide support with all the administrative processes linked to your business projects.

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